Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Marketers Can Mine Your Info in Facebook

Thanks or actually no thanks to Facebook's new anti-privacy settings, your private information can easily be mined by online marketers. Oops! This is not what you signed up for in Facebook right? We want our friends and family to see and even use our information in Facebook but not share it with crafty marketers we don't know who are only interested in what they can sell to us. So how is this possible? How can the marketers accomplish this feat? After Facebook made it impossible for users to make their name, current city, profile picture, gender, networks and friends list private, Facebook has just invited who knows how many marketers for a treat. Now, marketers can feast on thousands of user profiles by simply making a dummy account and gather thousands of e-mail addresses and easily pull up their facebook profiles to create a sales demographic with very detailed information. There's more news as it won't just end in sales demographics but most likely end up with thousands of automated spam mail sent to facebook users. Based on past experience, spam mail can easily be turned to spy-mail and spy on your information like bank account information and business information. Before you know it, you will be getting online tests to figure out what kind of fruit you like or you are, your zodiac sign and your animal spirit and your qualities and personality based on your animal spirit profile. The annoying possibilities are boundless and we happily subscribe to them. It's difficult to name online marketers who are already making use of this feature or loss of feature in Facebook but we get the feeling that there are a bunch already doing a lot of work in the mining department. When asked about this, Facebook's authorities can only say that, well, it's our responsibility and choice on what to do with the information we post in Facebook. It is not a liability for them. Okay, so, if we are indeed responsible with the information and tweaking the privacy settings, granted there are only a couple to tweak this time, then we need to get informed about history cleaners, history erasers software, internet erasers, internet cleaners, internet privacy software, tracks erasers and tracks cleaners like Winclear. There are user reviews you can check out about this breed of software.

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