Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cookies and History Cleaners - a Delectable Combination

Cookies are friends not food

You probably have heard or seen the word cookie more than once before. You might remember seeing it on a pop-up by browser E, telling you that you need to allow it. Of course you have also heard your Granny shout that it's ready. We are interested in cookies in the non-Granny sense. We are interested in browser cookies and how history cleaners can best work with them.

What are cookies?

Indeed, what are they? To answer this question we need to consult our modern-day Wizard of Oz, wikipedia.org. According to wikipedia, a cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser. So why do browsers store them on our computer? Wikipedia adds that, it is used for authenticating, session tracking, and remembering specific information about users, such as site preferences or the contents of their electronic shopping carts. Also, wikipedia declares, cookies are not spyware or viruses, because they are not executable. Now, whatever word wikipedia mentioned that you did not understand, you can ask wikipedia again until everything becomes understandable and clear to you. Well, most of the definition of cookie doesn't really matter for our purposes, except, the part where it says something about cookies remembering specific information about us such as site preferences. So, if there is somebody who knows if we've been naughty or nice, it's definitely not Santa, it's the browser we're using, because of the cookies. That's one way of putting it. Do we have a choice of not allowing the cookies? No. No cookies, no internet, no flirting, no gossipping, no doing business, no music and no fun.

History Cleaners

Don't blame the web browsers. They have been so kind so as to place on their menu items, "Delete cookies", so the cookies don't just lie around some place on your computer after you use the internet, waiting to be plucked by someone else. Also, cookies are files, the more you have them, the more hard drive space you allot for junk and the slower your computer becomes. You can either diligently delete them from the browser or you can get a good history cleaner like ParetoLogic Privacy control, evidence eliminator or winclear and automatically and completely remove them from your computer after you use the internet.

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