Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Freedom of Expression

How can a technologically advanced society give the greatest happiness to the most number of people when a few people act as all-knowing gods monitoring and controlling people's activities? It's really ironic how we have readily surrendered our trust and our resources to a few institutions to look after our happiness and our freedom and watch the people running these institutions fatten themselves and bar us from access to resources that they have horded. You can call it the law of life or the law of nature but as thinking beings who can direct the course of our policies and our lives to a great degree, we need to reconsider our options and choose a better path where more people get more access. Protocols and policies have definitely made the room for our freedom of expression smaller. Granted this fact, we need to counter the flow of information by not letting Google or Microsoft know what we do online and use that information to their advantage. When Google made clear that privacy is not an important issue, they have made clear what their real intentions are in doing this, control. It is the role of history cleaners to give help us counter this flow. Users have the advantage of numbers. Let us use this advantage wisely.

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