Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Improving PC Performance With History Cleaners

So you are in the middle of a project due in an hour and you are almost done, a few lines more and you complete a nicely packaged document that could give you a break in your career. You make sure this happens by saving your almost done document in your My Documents folder. Ten seconds pass by, twenty seconds, thirty seconds..two minutes and you are still looking at the "Please wait while Word Processor X is saving your file.." pop-up. After five minutes you take matters into your own hands and close the application. You click yes, or maybe no on a few familiar pop-ups. Then you re-open your document only to find out a quarter of your project is missing and nowhere to be found in your PC. You have thirty minutes to complete your project.

Could it be a bad hard drive? or a Windows Vista choke? who knows...you don't see any error messages. Gone are the days of handwritten documents but sometimes you wish they were back because of your ever-unpredictable PC. Before giving in to your nostalgia and pulling out your hair or throwing your PC out the window, ask yourself if you have been diligent enough to take care of it. In tool-world(world of tools) caring means cleaning. Running a disk cleanup or disk defragment regularly, is as important as wiping your PC with a piece of cloth to remove the dust. But just like the dust being not entirely removed by your cloth, old files stick to your PC like old habits stick to people. Also, there is the great force needed to move you out of your everyday inertia. A busy man busy succeeding in the world is too busy for a 30 minute disk cleanup plus disk defragment. There are more tips from Microsoft's support site on how to improve your PC's performance. You can see them by going to History Cleaner software.

Enter "history cleaners". Also called "privacy software" or "internet history cleaners", these software let you automate disk cleanup and defragment. All you need is a single click of the mouse to activate it and you need not worry ever about scheduling disk cleanup or disk defragment which don't really remove everything that needs to be removed. Although mainly used to protect you from privacy invaders online, these tools also do a great job, even better than disk cleanup or disk defragment in cleaning your PC thus, making it run faster. So what are the "key" areas that history cleaners clean up.

temporary internet files
downloaded program files
recycle bin
Windows error report files
optional windows components you don't use
browser cache files

History cleaners remove a lot more but the ones mentioned are the most important. There is also a diverse set of history cleaners out there in the market. To get the most reliable information about what privacy software work for most people, you can read user and expert reviews like the one at History Cleaners.History Cleaners are definitely not antivirus software and you can view a sample of an antivirus software at click here.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Profile of a Good History Cleaner

A lot of PCs that we buy today, already have bundled privacy software, leaving us little room for choosing the best history cleaners for our use. However, when we reinstall Windows on our PCs or the trial period of our security software expires, we have to choose which history cleaner is best for us. If we want the best, we have to ask the right questions to evaluate what we need to buy.

1. Does it have good reviews?
A lot of experts and users post their opinions about products and services online through reviews. History cleaners are no exception. Reviews contain valuable information about firsthand experience with the software. Scrutiny is still important however, since a lot of reviews are merely marketing strategies without much useful content.

2. Is it Effective?
Based on the reviews you've read and the features on the history cleaners' documentation, ask yourself if the software is effective. Is it thorough enough for the kind of activities you are doing? Software have compatibility requirements with other software, so if you do a lot of work on a certain program, you have to make sure that the history cleaner you would purchase is compatible with that program.

3. Is the price reasonable?
Given the history cleaner features offered, ask yourself if the value is worth it. Pricey software with a lot of features you don't need is just as good as cheap software with only a few options.

4. Is the software user-friendly?
No matter how effective a piece of software is, it still has to be stylish. It doesn't have to amaze you, although it would be better if it did, but make sure you choose software that have user-friendly designs. Accessibility to icons that you will use a lot, nice colors, easy menu terms and good help are a few things you could consider.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Top Ten PC Privacy and Security Tips

The word online is nowadays a household term. In fact, we acknowledge a person's existence these days based on his/her being online or not. Unfortunately not all people who are online are Mother Theresas. A few shadowy figures are still aiming for world domination, and yes, they don't just exist in the movies or in PC games, they exist in the real physical world. We just don't know who some of them are, yet. They could be pranksters, dictator wannabes, geeks who want to be the next Bill Gates, geeks who want to work for the FBI or NASA, or geeky businessmen with aims at world domination. So here are a few tips to protect us from them.

1. Get a good history cleaner or good history cleaners like Evidence Eliminator or Winclear and install them.

2. Never give up information that other people shouldn't have any knowledge about, like social security numbers.

3. Avoid watching or minimize watching porn. A lot of nasty software comes from pornographic material.

4. Minimize accessing private information such as email on a public network or public comuters like internet cafes or public libraries. Do it if you don't have any other choice.

5. Keep a list of your passwords. It's better to use one very difficult password on all your online accounts than keep a lot of generic, no-brainer ones.

6. Don't confess private and sensitive information in chatrooms or forums unless you know who they are and are comfortable with them. These places are usually breeding grounds for world domination folks.

7. Take notes(handwritten) for very important information. Most people think that ink and paper are obsolete and think that all vital information are already online. Use this notion to your advantage and write down important information.

8. Be informed. Information technology is about information so gather as much knowledge as you can about security and online privacy instead of say, watching porn?

9. Remove yourself from major internet sites. A lot of sites like Google have a "remove me from your mailing list" option.

10. Don't be too thrifty so as not to buy history cleaners. Seriously, $29.95 is a wise investment in the long run.